Monday, November 22, 2021

5 Tips for Keeping Your Hot Tub Clean and Healthy

Top 5 Tips For Hot Tub Cleaning Maintenance

Experts in hot tubs from Aurora can confirm the fact that with proper and regular maintenance, you can enjoy this amazing invention for many years to come. And here are 5 major tips for helping you keep your tub healthy and clean:

  1. Clean the filters on a weekly basis. Most of the overflow issues are caused by insufficient or improper cleaning of these important elements of your hot tub.
  2. You should do shock treatment on your water at least once a week. With the help of this treatment, water gets free of chloride, any kind of dirt, urine, etc.
  3. Water should be changed at least every 4 months. Even though water may not seem to be in a poor state, it does not remain fresh longer than that. After you re-fill your tub you should also remember to balance the water properly.
  4. You should have your tub checked and probably serviced also on a yearly basis, at least. You can even split the servicing time into several different periods all throughout the year.
  5. Air out your tub cover at least two times per week. It may also be a good idea to clean it with special products.  Look to some of the best Denver hot tub reviews for more information on maintaining your unit, and the best on the market.

The post 5 Tips for Keeping Your Hot Tub Clean and Healthy appeared first on Windriverspas.

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